After the Olympic Games was postponed who would have thought in 2020 we would see some of the best swimmers in the world come together and race against one another… Yet here we are 2 weeks into the second season of the ISL.
For those who don’t know, the International Swim League is a very new concept for the swimming world, and a chance for athletes to race more of the best swimmers in the world, more often, and earn some money whilst doing so.
Until recently there were very few chances for a swimmer to ‘earn’ a living through race winnings, so unless you are a funded athlete sponsored by your governing body, it was, and still is, very difficult to earn a living and fund a full time swimming career (trust me I know). But the ISL is helping to combat that!
Last year a VERY rich man with a love for swimming decided to change that and introduced the ISL. Initially it began with 8 teams, racing head to head short course, winning points for their team which had the potential to turn into actual monetary winnings. This year there are now 10 teams, more chances to win and even bigger rewards for the winning teams.
Unlike last year where teams travelled all over the world racing each match in a new location with the grand final taking place in Vegas, this season all the action takes place in Budapest in a Covid secure bubble - which is why all of this is possible!
But the best part about all of this, is that networks all around the world are streaming the ISL for thousands of fans to see. The future stars of the sport we love could be watching right now and hoping to be a part of the ISL one day.
It really it so much fun and great to watch!!!
Keep an eye out for more matches and more VERY fast swimming on the TV near you.
Check out https://isl.global to find out more and don’t forget to support the LONDON ROAR!

Photo by Mike Lewis @mike2swim